Thursday 13 August 2015

2015 - A Watershed Year for Singapore

2015 is indeed a watershed year for many of us singaporeans, the lost of our founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was profound, no one can denied the huge sacrifice and achievement of the founding fathers of Singapore to bring us from 3rd world to 1st world in just 50 years

  1. David Marshall - The Legal Eagle
  2. Devan Nair - The Rebel With A Cause
  3. Eddie Barker - The Gentleman Politician
  4. Goh Keng Swee - The Master Sculptor
  5. Lee Kuan Yew - The Man Of Firsts
  6. Lim Kim San - The Big Builder
  7. Ong Pang Boon - The Bespectacled Crime Buster
  8. Othman Wok - The Dashing Peacemaker
  9. S. Rajaratnam - The Voice Of A Nation
  10. Toh Chin Chye - The Quiet Revolutionary

The Passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew 

Mr LKY's passing brought the nation closer together, love him or hate him, his commitment and dedication to build a better singapore is for the world to see. We might not agree with his techniques or authoritative leadership style but he did deliver his promises to us to build a democratic society and a vibrant metropolitan...he is deeply missed by many of us and the sky has turn grey and rainy .. what holds for our future

Mount Kinabalu Tragedy 

The earthquake that struck Sabah on Jun 5 claimed 18 lives, including those of 10 Singaporeans – seven pupils and two teachers from Tanjong Katong Primary School (TKPS), as well as an adventure guide accompanying them on the trip has also brought the nation closer together. the loss of 10 young and vibrant lives felt like the loss of 10 shinning stars in the sky. Our world had become dimmer without them. We weep and we close rank and take the step together as we try to let time heal our pain and sadness...

SG 50 Celebration 

In the mist of all these gloominess and sadness , we did put up a brave front and look forward with the biggest celebration to celebrate our 50 years of independence with splendid fireworks, great acrobatics performance by our very own Red Knights

and most importantly, the heart warming rendition of HOME by our very own Superstar Kit Chan... and we know that like it or not, the future is in our hand and in this upcoming election, we must make the right choice which is critical for us to take Singapore forward. ...

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