Monday 17 August 2015

Politics in Singapore - Child's Play ?

Politics in Singapore - A Male dominated Arena?

Politics in Singapore is often viewed by many as a male-dominated, high testosterone, high intensity arena with blood and gore spilled across the political rallies but the trends are changing.

Rising youth interest in politics 

With the proliferation of social media, many youth are increasingly taking interest in politics and many even actively participating through volunteering and joining as members of political parties to pledge their allegiance to the cause and vision of their respective parties. The participation of Nicole Seah and Tin Pei Lin in the 2011 election further douse the burning questions in many citizens mind on the definition of how young is too young to be involved in politics

More are making independent decision instead of together as a family unit

Whilst it used to be the head or the elder in the family that made the final decision on whom to cast the votes, the youth and the ladies in the family are rapidly forming their own perspective and developing their own views of the candidates. Some popular examples includes the celebrity status of Auntie Killer, Mr Baey Yam Keng of the PAP and the passionate and well liked Nicole Seah and Mr Roy Ngerng whom recently joined reform party.

General Election 2015

This upcoming General Election will be the most closely fought elections for years with smaller parties challenging the three biggest parties and taking advantage of the opportunities to speak directly to the electorate using the power of social media which gave the electorate a chance to scrutinise the parties more closely, as they perused their manifestoes and listened to candidates' speeches, offering many their vision of Singapore that goes beyond the cookie cutter or singular vision craft by the PAP. Many yearn for alternative views of what the next 50 years of Singapore should be.

Election affects every one of us and our future generations

Election should is no longer a stigma in Singapore, many opposition candidates works in MNCs, government agencies or schools.  We should learn politics not when we are 21 when we are eligible to vote. Instead just like values, politics should be cultivated from young.

Thus, The birth of Superheroes of Singapore

To outreach to the young and children and break the stigma that politics are serious and highly intellectual stuff only deemed suitable for highly qualified scholars only, we have created a team of our very own Superheroes, the Super Guardians of Singapore, eight fictional characters that depicts the value, culture and vision of the respective political parties , that resonates from their superheroes persona to connect and engage with the children and the youth.

Watch This Space 

As we will be presenting to you , your very own Superheroes very soon... 

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