Thursday 13 August 2015

Super Guardians of Singapore

A small red dot has been a rising star, growing in inter-terrestrial stature and wealth for the past 50 years. But global events and internal challenges are causing tensions amongst its inhabitants The most significant moment occurred with the loss of her highly revered supreme leader, feared and worshiped by many has sent a worrying message to its inhabitants.

Without the supreme leader’s great foresight and telekinesis skills, this golden age might not last for the next 50 years. 

As the nation reach a critical inflection point, the small red dot needs heroes, and the call has been answered by the Super Guardians of Singapore, a group of superhuman dedicated to the safeguarding the future of the nation from any force that threatens the security or liberty of its various people. The

Introducing the Super Guardians of Singapore (SGS)

The SGS  comprises of a bands of extraterrestrial super humans, each led by their supreme leader with its mission to Serve and to protect the homeland they so loved. As they battled for control and the rights to lead the small nation forward and upwards, we hoped to do our small part by educating the young and the old a little more about their history, manifesto, core values, beliefs and aspiration for the nation in short, bite size golden nuggets for easy digestion

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